Streatham Area Guide

About the Area

Streatham is the perfect choice for the alternative seeker, and a much cheaper option than its trendier neighbours of Balham, Clapham and Brixton.

For the budget-conscious, this is definitely the better option,. Streatham has much going for it, including a busy high street, convenient transport links, green spaces, highly rated local schools and modern apartments. This is where first-time buyers are looking, working professionals are chilling and young families are settling. Get in there before it becomes the next hot spot (which subsequently comes with an accompanying price tag).

Streatham has no tube station. Yes, ’tis true, and guess what? It still survives and even thrives. This is not unheard of as this is south London after all. Streatham Hill train station has trains to Victoria in less than 20 minutes, while Streatham station has services to London Bridge and St Pancras in around 30 minutes. If you have a fun app or a book – for those rare of species among us who still read books on trains – to keep you company, your commute will be over before you can swipe “yes” or “no”.

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